Commit f29518b0 authored by 戴曦嘉's avatar 戴曦嘉
Browse files


parent eea1967c do |s| = "BJLiveCore"
s.version = "2.10.0"
s.version = "2.10.1"
s.summary = "BJLiveCore SDK."
s.description = "BJLiveCore SDK for iOS."
......@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ do |s|
s.dependency "BJLiveBase/WebImage/AFNetworking", "~> 2.10.0"
s.dependency "BJLiveBase/YYModel", "~> 2.10.0"
s.dependency "BJLiveBase/Auth", "~> 2.10.0"
s.dependency "BJYRTCEngine/static", "~> 0.7.5"
s.dependency "BJYRTCEngine/BJYIJKMediaPlayer", "~> 0.7.5"
s.dependency "BJYRTCEngine/static", "~> 0.7.9"
s.dependency "BJYRTCEngine/BJYIJKMediaPlayer", "~> 0.7.9"
......@@ -885,26 +885,33 @@ typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, BJLRoomLayout) {
#pragma mark - 标准抽奖 和 口令抽奖
/// 抽奖结果
/// @param lottery lottery
/** 抽奖结果
#param lottery lottery
- (BJLObservable)didReceiveLotteryResult:(BJLLottery *)lottery;
/// 提交中奖信息
/// @param userName name
/// @param mobile mobile description
/// @param beginTime beginTime description
/// @param completion completion description
#param userName name
#param mobile mobile description
#param beginTime beginTime description
#param completion completion description
- (void)submitLotteryUserName:(NSString *)userName mobile:(NSString *)mobile beginTime:(NSTimeInterval)beginTime completion:(nullable void (^)(BOOL success))completion;
/// 口令抽奖 - 开始
/// @param commandLotteryBegin commandLotteryBegin
口令抽奖 - 开始
#param commandLotteryBegin commandLotteryBegin
- (BJLObservable)didReceiveBeginCommandLottery:(BJLCommandLotteryBegin *)commandLotteryBegin;
/// 口令抽奖 - 当学生发送的聊天信息匹配口令时,需要发送此请求
/// 身份为老师 / 助教 / 游客 调用此接口无效
口令抽奖 - 当学生发送的聊天信息匹配口令时,需要发送此请求
身份为老师 / 助教 / 游客 调用此接口无效
- (nullable BJLError *)requestHitCommandLottery;
/// 口令抽奖 - 发送口令请求的res
/** 口令抽奖 - 发送口令请求的res */
- (BJLObservable)didReceiveHitCommandLottery:(NSDictionary *)res;
......@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@ Change Log
- 被标记 `DEPRECATED` 的代码 **将在大版本升级时移除**
- 带有 `alpha``beta``rc` 等字样的版本,代码和功能都不稳定,**请勿随意升级**
## 2.10.1
- 支持小班课云插播。
## 2.10.0
### 体积优化
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